A great line from a band with a geographical name…can you name the title and artist?… MORE

A great line from a band with a geographical name…can you name the title and artist?… MORE
Some tough talk from an ’80s classic with an epic video. See if you can name the song…… MORE
A ’60s classic by a group with a scary name…… MORE
A million-selling Gold-certified single from 1981 is the subject of this Lyrics Challenge. Can you name the title and artist?… MORE
Can you name the song and the iconic Midwestern artist that had a Top 10 hit in 1985 that featured these lyrics?… MORE
Here's the first line from a Top 10 hit from the fall of 1972. Can you name the title and artist?… MORE
Can you name the song with these lyrics by one of the great singer/songwriters of the 1970s?… MORE
The song with one of the most memorable music videos of the '80s is in question today. Check out the lyrics and see if you can you name it.… MORE
Can you name the song by this Rock & Roll Hall of Fame duo?… MORE
An iconic '80s band is the subject of this Lyrics Challenge. Take a look and see if you can name the song and artist.… MORE