No More New Music for The Who?


If you were looking forward to new music from one of the greatest bands ever, The Who, you probably shouldn’t get your hopes up.  While lead singer Roger Daltry and lead guitarist Pete Townshend have openly discussed making a new album, they don’t see the point in doing so because of today’s music industry.   Daltry told Rolling Stone,  “We’ve talked about it, but it’s not going to be easy. There’s no record industry anymore. Why would I make a record?  I would have to pay to make a record. There’s no royalties so I can’t see that ever happening. There’s no record business. How do you get the money to make the records?  I don’t know.  I’m certainly not going to pay money to give my music away free. I can’t afford to do that. I’ve got other things I could waste the money on.” With streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music and Tidal becoming very popular with listeners, Daltry does make a valid point.  Physical copies of music aren’t as common as they once were because they don’t have the availability that online services offer. But, musicians aren’t getting compensated enough for their music being on these streaming services, which is why many artists don’t put their music on them.

The Who are currently on tour in Europe throughout September