Survey Says, The Best Things To Come Out of Ireland Are…

A new survey for St. Patrick’s Day asked people to name the best things to EVER come out of Ireland or Northern Ireland.  Here are the highlights . . .

1.  Guinness.

2.  The Irish accent.

3.  The Irish lore . . . like four-leaf clovers and leprechauns.

4.  Author Oscar Wilde.  He wrote “The Picture of Dorian Gray” and “The Importance of Being Earnest”.

5.  Liam Neeson.

6.  Riverdance.

7.  St. Patrick’s Day itself made the list.

8.  The Titanic.  It was built in Northern Ireland.

9.  Modern submarines.  An Irish guy named John Philip Holland engineered them.

10.  Jameson Irish Whiskey.