Bill Lacy’s Kooky Christmas Carols

Vote for your favorite Kooky Christmas Carols at the bottom of this page!

Listen to Bill Lacy every weekday morning from November 27 through December 8 for classic holiday songs that will make you laugh and could win you some nice stocking stuffer prizes!  Be the 10th caller at 644-1041 when you hear these songs to win daily prizes and qualify for the grand prize of snow tires from Tread City Tires and designer sunglasses from Buffalo Eye Center (so you can look cool crusin’ down the road).

Congrats to daily winners Babs Serafini, Kristen Reumann, Cheryl Uzar, Robert Theurer, Steve Urbanski, Ginger Buziak, Tina Frisch, Nicole Briggs, Karen Bodnar, and our grand prize winner Nancy Rooney!

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