Could Axl Rose Be AC/DC’s Singer For Good?


Since early May, lead singer of Guns n Roses, Axl Rose, stepped in to help out fellow rockers AC/DC after their lead singer, Brian Johnson, had to leave due to hearing problems.  While fans supported the move, most of them assumed it would just be a temporary solution.  But, reports have been circulating saying Axl wants to be in this for the long run.  AC/DC guitarist Angus Young told the press, ““I know he’s very excited. He keeps saying can he do more? But we don’t really know at the end how we will proceed. But we wanna get through this tour, which we were committed to doing. We wanna finish it.”

Obviously Axl Rose joining AC/DCs could create more problems.  For instance, Guns n Roses are in the middle of their hyped-up reunion tour and just finished headlining the California music festival Coachella.  Trying to work around two different tour schedules seems like it would be difficult, even for a legendary rocker such as himself.  What do you think?  Should Axl Rose join AC/DC for good?

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